06.23.24Continuing Steadfast In The Apostles Doctrine (Part 15) - One Perfect Man in Christ - Eph. 4:13; Many men perfected in Christ - Col. 1:28ListenDownload
06.09.24Continuing Steadfast in the Apostles Doctrine (Part 14) - Towards Our Perfect Man And Many Perfected MenListenDownload
06.02.24Continuing Steadfast in the Apostles Doctrine (Part 13) - Christ Is Everything--PeaceListenDownload
05.19.24Continuing Steadfast In The Apostles Doctrine (Part 12) - Restoring Apostolic Doctrine/Preeminence of Jesus. Knowing Him by RevelationListenDownload
05.12.24Continuing Steadfast in the Apostles Doctrine (Part 11) - Apostolic Doctrine/The Spirit SpeaksListenDownload
04.21.24Continuing Steadfast in the Apostles Doctrine (Part 9) - Baptism of Holy Spirit & TonguesListenDownload