recovery and revival


God spoke to us a while back that we were coming into a season of recovery. Recovery of what? Recovery of our lives that have leveled off or even declined in vigor and experiences that are not present in our lives, but at one time were, or for some never were. The scriptures sum this up beautifully.

In Psalm 85:6 the psalmist asks God to revive (recover, restore, repair and cause to live) us that we would rejoice in Him. Hab.3:2 the prophet cries out to God to revive His work (acts and deeds) in the midst (present time at hand) of years. Revivals have played a part in the life of both the Old and New Testament children of God. In these special times, God infuses more of His power into His people to recover and raise them to a life higher than before. Revivals are like a giant jump start to advance God’s people and His Kingdom.

More Lord, more of You Lord!
